Sunday, July 27, 2008

Health Acivities



Activity 2 Brainstorming

1. Work in group of five mall families.
2. Each group is tasked to:
3. Present the output of the brainstorming through role playing
4. Each group present their output in 10 minute
5. The performance will b rated by Rubrics for role playing.


Acivity 3 Personal Assesment

I. Check if you possess the following characteristic. Answer the checklist with honestly.
____1. You are accepted by classmates.
____2. You are able to accept himself and the conditions of his life with
fairly persistent satisfaction.
____3. You face your problem that confront you day by day with evasive or
compensatory reactions.
____4. You absorb or master the inevitable conflict, frustration disappointment
and temporary defeat with undue emotional turmoil.
____5. Contribute and cooperate to the necessary activities of the group mates
____6. Has ideas interest, attacks work with zest and yet satisfaction out
of doing it.
____7. You accept your shortcomings
____8. You feel you are part of the group
____9. You do not push people around
____10. Are able to give love and consider the interest of others.

II. Upon accomplishing the personal assessment checklist; ask the following statements in a separate sheet of paper.

1. Today, I have learned……………….
2. Based on the assessment result, I am happy because…………
3. From now on, I promise to………….

1. Show pictures featuring mental and emotional disorder.
2. The students analyze the pictures
3. The students share their analysis with the class
4. They write there answer on a pad paper.
5. The students will be graded with Rubrics for written report.


Activity 5 Brochure Making

1. Do this activity by group
2. Each group should prepare and develop a Mental Health Campaign Material (Brochure of Emotional and Mental Health)
3. The students will be graded using rubrics for brochure making


Activiy 6 Campaign

1. After Making the Brochure reproduce approved brochure and disseminate to nearby health centers, malls, school or public places.
2. The students will also submit their plan of action to their teacher.
3. Try to ask the persons you have given the brochure if it is helpful or not.
4. The students will be graded by the leaders using rubrics for participation
5. The teacher will grade the students using the evaluation of leaders and the persons you have given your brochure.

NOTE: At the end of the quarter there will be an integrated Culminating Performance with all the subjects.


· The class will make documentation about “GASOLINA”.
· They should relate all the concepts of all the subjects in there work.
· The performance will be graded using Rubrics for Making Documentation.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


· Post pictures that shows the different SRF Components
· The students observed all the pictures
· Write a short statement about the picture presentation


· Form groups with 4 members
· Give each student a pen and paper
· Each student will write examples or exercises that illustrates the word
· Pass the paper to the person on your right.
· When you receive a paper add an example to it.
· If you finish before the person take the paper in the middle and continue writing and passing until you receive your paper back.



· Research about Skill-related fitness components
· creative reporting
· The student’s work will be graded using Rubrics for Oral Presentation

Activity 5

· Divide the class into 4 groups
· Imagine you’re a fitness instructor in charge of planning a program for a costumer
· Your costumer desires to be healthy and fit.
· What type of activity or personalized plan of SRF activities can your costumer do to
improve on the SRF components of fitness?
· Choose a sport or activity that uses both skill related components of fitness that will
benefit your customer the most.
· In a letter to your customer explain how the sport or activity you chose, uses at least three
skill components of fitness.
· Submit documents like Brochures, Letters Etc. to support your work.
· Your work will be graded using Rubrics for personalized plan of SRF activities.
Dear _____________________
As your fitness expert I am writing you to encourage you to participate in the following sport or activity______________________. It has several great benefits that will make you healthy and fit.

Stay Active,
Your Fitness Expert